“God Knows”
And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: “Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown”.
Contract Signed!
I am pleased to announce that I have signed a book contract with Enclave Publishing.
The Quality of Love
When King Lear begins to realize the truth of his daughters’ love, he exclaims, “Ingratitude! Thou marble-hearted fiend!” He never understood the quality of his own love.
The Feast of Hallowmas
You can tell the strange disconnect between the holidays of October 31 and November 1 by the fact that the first is popularly called Halloween, and the second All Saints’ Day. Hallowmas and All Hallows’ Day are among the other names for the church feast of November 1, and from these names, of course, Halloween…
Well, I am back. I could, I suppose, go over where I have been, or possibly where I am going–but for the moment, I will focus only on where I am. I am currently reviewing books with Lorehaven. You can find me on the crew manifest, though it would be more interesting to explore the…