Tag: holidays

  • “God Knows”

    And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: “Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown”.

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  • A Thanksgiving Thought

    In Orthodoxy, G.K. Chesterton turned to fairy-tales for an analogy and made the following remark: If the miller’s third son said to the fairy, “Explain why I must not stand on my head in the fairy palace,” the other might fairly reply, “Well, if it comes to that, explain the fairy palace.” If Cinderella says,…

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  • A Cheerful Holiday

    The New Year is a cheerful holiday. It’s more trifling, perhaps, than the sacred holidays and even weighty days of remembrance like Memorial Day and July Fourth. But if more trifling, it’s also lighter, and that also has its charm. The turn of the year is a hopeful time, turning people to the future, to…

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